Provinces and Territories Make H1N1 Preparations a Priority

Provinces and Territories Make H1N1 Preparations a Priority

REGINA, August 6, 2009 — Premiers discussed the extensive preparations that provinces and territories have made to limit the spread of the H1N1 virus. There has been full coordination and collaboration among provinces and territories and with the federal government. Premiers express their appreciation to the chief medical officers of health across Canada for the work they have done so far and are committed to a cooperative and coordinated approach.

Further, Premiers acknowledged that, since the SARS outbreak, the federal government has played a welcome and improved leadership role in pandemic preparedness. Premiers expect the federal government to take a strong role as a full partner in all elements of addressing a H1N1 virus that represents a serious challenge to the health of Canadians.

Premiers agreed to pay special attention to the needs of vulnerable populations in preventing and treating H1N1.

Premier Wall, as Chair of the Council of the Federation, will provide the Prime Minister with a debrief of the H1N1 discussions when the Council meeting concludes.

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For more information:

Ian Hanna
Communications Advisor
Office of the Saskatchewan Premier
[email protected]