Recipients of the 2014 Council of the Federation Excellence in Water Stewardship Award
Southern Rockies Watershed Project – Alberta
The Southern Rockies Watershed Project documents the effects of wildfire on hydrology, water quality, and stream ecology in the region. Initial research was led by Dr. Uldis Silins, professor of forest hydrology with the Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. This research has been recognized internationally as one of the leading studies of its kind. It was described by the Alberta Innovates Water Sustainability Program (an international scientific review panel) as “…the first major effort globally to provide a comprehensive assessment of forest disturbance impacts from source to tap”. Over the past 10 years, research results have been published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and have been presented at numerous international scientific conferences and regional partner/stakeholder events.
Farmland-Riparian Interface Stewardship Program – British Columbia
The Farmland-Riparian Interface Stewardship Program is designed to help provincial agriculture producers protect and enhance water quality and riparian vegetation, and prevent and mitigate agricultural impacts on streams and lakes. Established in 2004, the program furthers these objectives by increasing understanding and cooperation between agencies responsible for resource management and the agricultural community regarding farmland development and use; promoting joint planning of habitat restoration and farmland activities between landowners, resource management agencies, and community groups; raising awareness of interactions between land use and habitat values; and resolving conflict that may arise between resource agencies and landowners. The Program is recognized as a leader in promoting water stewardship through education, awareness and cooperation.
Ducks Unlimited Canada – Manitoba
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has implemented and evaluated water management programs for almost 75 years. DUC has developed considerable expertise related to wetland ecosystems, and their contribution to biodiversity, watersheds, human health, the community and the economy is substantial. DUC works co-operatively with landowners, producers and various government departments to promote sustainable management practices which restore, enhance and protect our wetland resources, which in turn improves the health of our rivers, reservoirs, lakes and watersheds. Every year, DUC provides education programs that reach over 30,000 students across Manitoba while another 50 elementary school classes are mentored by secondary school students from DUC’s Wetland Centres of Excellence. Ducks Unlimited Canada is a private, not-for-profit registered charitable organization.
Five Fingers Brook Watershed Committee – New Brunswick
The Five Fingers Brook Watershed Committee (FFBWC) was formed in 2003 at the request of the Saint-Quentin Town Council. FFBWC is responsible for initiating the development and implementation of a plan to improve the drinking water supply in the Five Fingers Brook watershed. This plan has become an organizational tool for FFBWC, the municipality and area residents, and has helped the community to understand the physical state of the watershed, propose corrective measures, establish priorities for interventions, and prepare a budget. In addition, the plan includes a component of community education around water conservation. Examples of their actions include education in schools about the importance of watershed protection and water conservation, placement of water saving devices in schools, and recognition of the efforts of conservation-minded property owners who live along the watershed.