Canada’s Premiers discuss re-opening plans and agree to hold a fall meeting
OTTAWA, June 17, 2021 – Canada’s Premiers met today by teleconference to discuss reopening plans and joint priorities as the vaccination roll-out continues.
During the conference call, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister officially took over as Chair of the Council of the Federation. All Premiers extended their appreciation to outgoing Chair, Québec Premier François Legault, for his outstanding service in this role over the past challenging year. Premiers agreed to meet on October 5-7, 2021 to address priority issues and work together to strengthen the Canadian federation. Appropriate public health measures will be in place to support a safe in-person meeting.
“I look forward to meeting with my Premier colleagues in Winnipeg this fall,” said Premier Pallister. “We have a tremendous amount of work to do. As we emerge from the pandemic, our focus will be on restoring economic growth and our health systems. We urgently need a long-term federal funding partnership so provinces and territories can address crucial health priorities, such as reducing wait times and backlogs of medical treatments and surgeries.”
To ensure Canadians continue to receive the health care they need, now and in the future, Canada’s Premiers remain firmly united in their call for an immediate and unconditional increase to the Canada Health Transfer. Premiers urge the federal government to immediately increase its share of health care costs from 22% to 35% of total health care spending, and to maintain this contribution level over time with a minimum annual escalator of 5%.
The Council of the Federation was created in 2003 to promote provincial-territorial cooperation and closer ties between members, foster meaningful relations between governments based on respect for the Constitution and recognition of the diversity within the federation, and show leadership on issues important to all Canadians.
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Media Contact:
Olivia Billson
Senior Press Secretary
Office of the Premier
(431) 777-6675
[email protected]