A Podcast about Mental Health and Addictions

Featuring promising practices and innovations in rural, remote and northern communities

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Canada’s Premiers have created a podcast dedicated to sharing promising practices in mental health and addictions and reducing the stigma of mental illness. The podcast, entitled Promising Practices, consists of 13 episodes. Each episode profiles an innovative program or initiative in one of the provinces and territories, with a focus on rural, remote and northern communities.

Mental health and addictions issues continue to impact many Canadians. The steps taken to protect Canadians from COVID-19 have brought greater focus to these issues. Given the importance of mental health and addictions, all Premiers are pleased to share these important stories from across the country with Canadians through this podcast.

Podcast episodes were released between March and June 2021.


Episode 13: Designing and Delivering Effective Online Services (BC)

June 16, 2021 – This podcast shines a light on two innovative programs in British Columbia: the First Nations Health Authority’s Doctor of the Day program, and Foundry Virtual, a comprehensive mental health and wellness resource for youth. These programs demonstrate what is possible when services are designed by and for the people they serve. Both programs are actively removing barriers to care by building better relationships between clients and their care providers and embracing digital innovation in service delivery.

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Episode 12: Bridge the gapp (NL)

June 9, 2021 – Learn how Newfoundland and Labrador’s award-winning Bridge the gapp initiative is providing helpful online resources and local connections to those looking for guidance and support related to mental wellness and substance use.

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Episode 11: Clinical Framework Model from the Acadian Peninsula (NB)

June 2, 2021 – New Brunswick’s award-winning Clinical Framework Model helps to provide better mental health services to young people with complex needs. It allows for a strategic approach where the intention is to identify the clinical interventions that best meet the needs of the young person and their family.

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Episode 10: Healing (NU)

May 27, 2021 – Learn about healing programs being offered to the people of Nunavut. You will hear about the approaches Nunavut is taking to reduce the stigma often associated with seeking mental health and addictions supports, as well as innovative ways to support those in need, especially among the youth.

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Episode 9: Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (AB)

May 19, 2021 – Alberta’s person-centred approach addresses more than an individual’s mental health and addiction challenges. It’s about improving their quality of life by supporting balance and healing in all aspects of their health and wellness. The Alberta model is based on successful practices seen around the world.

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Episode 8: On the Land Healing (NWT)

May 12, 2021 – Learn about the Northwest Territories experience with On the Land Healing programs. Using a holistic approach that is focused on one’s connection to land, culture and tradition, these programs can have a lasting impact on a person’s journey to recover from substance use and mental health problems.

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Episode 7: (PEI)

May 5, 2021 – Learn about a unique initiative on Prince Edward Island. FarmersTalk is a call to action urging people in the Prince Edward Island farming community and beyond to open up about the challenges they face, to talk about mental health, and to reach out for help in order to reduce stigma and support resiliency.

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Episode 6: Network of Psychological Health Scouts (QC)

April 28, 2021 – Québec is implementing a network of psychological health scouts throughout the province. Their team of 150 social and community workers will reach out to all of Québec, including the most vulnerable people in society to increase the resilience and adaptability of individuals and the community. The team members aim to gain the trust of citizens and promote psychological health by strengthening community mobilization and citizen participation so that no one is left behind.

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Episode 5: Improving Access to Care (NS)

April 22, 2021 – By using virtual care, Nova Scotia Health was able to provide flexibility and reach to reduce wait times for non-urgent mental health and addictions supports and services in Cape Breton and the rest of Nova Scotia. This e-mental health innovation resulted in improved access and availability where more Nova Scotians were able to be connected with the right care, where, and when they needed it.

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Episode 4: Tele-Mental Health Service for Children and Youth (ON)

April 14, 2021 – This initiative provides Ontario children and youth in rural, remote and underserved communities with access to specialized mental health consultations through videoconferencing. It connects children and youth to a specialist who can help them.

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Episode 3: Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) Clinics (MB)

April 6, 2021 – A RAAM clinic is an accessible walk-in clinic that people can visit to get help for substance use without an appointment or formal referral. Those aspects: easily accessible, self-referral, timely help – are key to this service model. RAAM clinics are for people seeking help with high-risk substance use and addictions.

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Episode 2: Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Program (SK)

March 24, 2021 – This program uses technology to provide long distance care. Online therapists guide clinical treatment for people experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression and a variety of other conditions. The program is designed to support people who need help in all parts of Saskatchewan, whether they live in cities, rural areas, or the Far North.

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Episode 1: Mental Wellness and Substance Use Hubs (YK)

March 12, 2021 – These hubs are a collaborative program with Yukon First Nations partners, communities and citizens, with the goal of providing care close to home. The goal is that all Yukoners regardless of where they live, have access to timely mental health and substance use support wherever and whatever that they need the most.

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February 24, 2021 – Yukon Premier Sandy Silver announces Promising Practices podcast series on behalf of Canada's Premiers. Each episode will present an innovative approach from one of Canada's provinces or territories in addressing mental health and addictions, with an emphasis on rural, remote or northern communities.

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